Qi Gong Healing as taught by Master Robert Peng Qi Gong Healing or Medical Qi Gong therapy is a very old therapeutic modality of Chinese medicine. It is a comprehensive system of health care, addressing the root cause of symptoms or disease, while treating the client as a whole. In Qi Gong Healing, healing occurs through balancing Qi which surrounds and pervades all living creatures. The goal of Qi Gong is to correct imbalances and disturbances in the Qi flow. Qi Gong Healing is an excellent adjunct to Western medicine. The patient is being treated fully clothed. Loose fitting clothing is recommended. Shoes and jewellery should be taken off. For further information regarding a treatment with Qi Gong Healing, please do not hesitate to contact me. Qi Gong Healing is not one of the conventional medical/scientifically recognized methods. In individual cases, it cannot replace a professional medical or psychological treatment or a visit to a doctor or to the next outpatient clinic but it can be used as a supplement and accompanying a conventional medical treatment.
Naturheilpraxis Evelyne Rehfuss
Qi in other cultures also known as Prana, Ruah, Pneuma or Ki, can be translated as life force or energy circulating the body. Qi could be perceived as bio- electricity (Yang) or as an organising energy field (Yin)
Qi Gong Healing as taught by Master Robert Peng Qi Gong Healing or Medical Qi Gong therapy is a very old therapeutic modality of Chinese medicine. It is a comprehensive system of health care, addressing the root cause of symptoms or disease, while treating the client as a whole. In Qi Gong Healing, healing occurs through balancing Qi which surrounds and pervades all living creatures. The goal of Qi Gong is to correct imbalances and disturbances in the Qi flow. Qi Gong Healing is an excellent adjunct to Western medicine. The patient is being treated fully clothed. Loose fitting clothing is recommended. Shoes and jewellery should be taken off. For further information regarding a treatment with Qi Gong Healing, please do not hesitate to contact me. Qi Gong Healing is not one of the conventional medical/scientifically recognized methods. In individual cases, it cannot replace a professional medical or psychological treatment or a visit to a doctor or to the next outpatient clinic but it can be used as a supplement and accompanying a conventional medical treatment.
Naturheilpraxis Evelyne Rehfuss
Qi in other cultures also known as Prana, Ruah, Pneuma or Ki, can be translated as life force or energy circulating the body. Qi could be perceived as bio- electricity (Yang) or as an organising energy field (Yin)